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Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.

SDG7 focuses on issues relating to affordable and clean energy, including ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services; increasing the rates of energy efficiency; enhancing international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy; and expanding infrastructure and technologies for supplying modern and sustainable energy, among other components. At Lynn University, these goals manifest in a variety of forms, including efforts for continued sustainable architecture in new projects to finding more energy efficient ways to use essential items, like air conditioning, across campus.  

This report is organized into three sections:

  1. Institutional Initiatives: Refers to ongoing initiatives at the institution that are currently active, occur every year, and relate to SDG7. Wherever possible, statistics are provided to show the impact of this work.

  2. Events/News: Refers to single events or news that occurred during the reporting year of AY21-22 relating to SDG7. These are not recurring, and as such are not part of the long-term initiatives.

  3. Courses: Refers to all the courses in the university’s academic catalogue for the reporting year of AY21-22 that deal with issues related to SDG7.

Goal 7

Institutional Initiatives

Sustainable architecture

Lynn University holds three  for sustainable buildings, including one platinum certification for the Mohammed Indimi International Business Center, and two silver certifications for the Christine E. Lynn University Center and the Mary and Harold Perper Residence Halls. Further construction, including the latest Capstone Apartments, have also been built sustainably. These efforts include solar sunshades, LED lighting, recycled materials, responsibly sourced lumber, and more.

Energy efficient cooling

Lynn University uses reclaimed water in the Central Energy Plant, thus reducing consumption of potable water and ensuring energy efficiency. This cooled water system is so energy efficient that in 2016 alone, the university saved 4.3 million kWh of electricity. This is the equivalent of burning 7,409 barrels of oil, 3.5 million pounds (about 1,587,572 kg)[1]

[1] Lecher, A. (2022). Lynn University Sustainability: Better for people, profit, and planet. Retrieved from:


Capstone Apartments

Silver LEED Certification

Course List

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