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Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

SDG16 focuses on issues relating to reducing all forms of violence, end abuse, exploitation and violence of children, promote the rule of law, and reduce corruption, among other issues. At Lynn University, these efforts take on a variety of forms from initiatives created to engage in non-partisan dialogue and degrees designed to educate students on the importance of the law to events memorializing history’s most violent eras and focusing on how to prevent them from repeating.

This report is organized into three sections:

  1. Institutional Initiatives: Refers to ongoing initiatives at the institution that are currently active, occur every year, and relate to SDG16. Wherever possible, statistics are provided to show the impact of this work.

  2. Events/News: Refers to single events or news that occurred during the reporting year of AY21-22 relating to SDG16. These are not recurring, and as such are not part of the long-term initiatives.

  3. Courses: Refers to all the courses in the university’s academic catalogue for the reporting year of AY21-22 that deal with issues related to SDG16.

Goal 16

Institutional Initiatives

Project Civitas

Project Civitas was created to educate the Lynn community—students, staff, and faculty—on how to be engaged citizens and civic leaders who work toward a humane and inclusive future for our nation and world. Through activities and collaborative programs in and out of the classroom, Project Civitas helps tackle political, economic, and social challenges head on by voting, organizing, leading, speaking out, dialoguing across difference, educating others, finding solutions, and healing deep wounds.

Dialogues Lecture Series

The Dialogues Lecture Series is a non-partisan series that welcomes politicians, community activists, journalists, film directors, and other public figures committed to solving pertinent issues in politics and public life. Former guests include Oscar-winning director Deborah Oppenheimer, former CNN White House Correspondent Dan Lothian, and Congressman Ted Deutch.

GenZ Story Expression Workshop

Every spring, Lynn University holds the Nuremberg Trials course and the , which culminates in an event that has been treasured by students and the Boca Raton community for more than a decade. Both the course and the workshop provide special opportunities for students to explore history with the people who survived it. As part of the workshop, students hear from a Holocaust survivor firsthand. Later, they create a story expression project through creative mediums like art, poetry, music, film, theater, technology, blogs, or social media. The purpose is for students to express what they have heard in a way to reach out to others who have not heard the survivor’s story and may not be familiar with the horrors of the Holocaust.

By educating the community on the importance of civil dialogue in politics and public service, as well as on the repercussions of mass violence, Lynn University helps further target 16.1 of SDG16, which focuses on significantly reducing all forms of violence and related deaths everywhere. Additionally, these educational programs also help further target 16.7 of SDG16, which focuses on ensuring responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making at all levels.

Criminal justice degree

In this criminal justice degree program, students learn the structure and process of the American judicial system and explore and analyze diverse ethical issues that they may encounter as a criminal justice professional. Students gain a deeper understanding of policing in America, social problems, and global human rights. Full-time students enrolled in this program can participate in internships in Washington, D.C., for a semester. 

By educating students in criminal justice, Lynn University helps further target 16.3 of SDG16, which focuses on promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all.

Total number of attendees in the Dialogues Speaker Series


Students participated in the GenZ Stories Expression Workshop


Students graduated with a Criminal Justice Degree


Total number of attendees in the Dialogues Speaker Series


Students participated in the GenZ Stories Expression Workshop


Students graduated with a Criminal Justice Degree



Project Civitas

9/11 Remembrance

Voter's Registration

Nuremberg Exhibit at Lynn

The Legacy of the Nuremberg Trials

UN Millennium Fellows

Course List

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